Morris Atonal 324 Heat Transfer Oil
Atonal Heat Transfer Oils are manufactured with high quality mineral oils and incorporate powerful oxidation inhibitors to ensure the necessary thermal stability for high working temperatures over long periods. These products contain additives to prevent rust and corrosion that can occur in systems that are vulnerable to condensation between operations. Anti-foam additives are also incorporated to encourage the release of entrained air and to collapse foam. This is vitally important as air bubbles or foam can reduce the effectiveness of the heat transfer system. Atonal Heat Transfer Oils also contain a low temperature flow improver to ensure full circulation at temperatures down to -20°C.
Atonal 324 is recommended for all heat transfer systems operating continuously at temperatures up to 250°C, whereas Atonal 323 can be used in systems operating continuously up to 260°C. These grades are suitable for industrial closed systems, asphalt plants, low temperature open systems, oil filled radiators and heat shunts or wherever a mineral oil of this type has been recommended.